Proper Social Distancing

Fishing the Firehole River in solitude in late September

Fishing the Firehole River in solitude in late September

At Yellowstone River Outfitters, we have been practicing proper “social distancing” for many years; however, we feel the recommended 3-6 feet of “buffer” space is way too close! To fully enjoy the experience, feel complete peace and solitude, and hear nothing but the water rippling and birds singing…….. we fully RECOMMEND the proper distance of “not being able to see anyone else” or the “line of sight” distance. If you can’t see anyone else, you know you are in the right place!

Loved ones and family members can be closer as long as you trust they won’t cast in your spot!

Loved ones and family members can be closer as long as you trust they won’t cast in your spot!

Why do we feel the “line of sight” distance is so important?

  1. It is impossible to contract any unwanted bad moods, fake news, or viruses

  2. All you hear is the water, birds, wildlife, hoppers, rapids…..silence

  3. You know the water likely has not been fished in a while- they are hungry!

  4. Not seeing or hearing anyone else (besides friends and loved ones) increases your mental health

  5. There is likely no cell service or poor cell service……… DARN!

  6. Time slows down

  7. You take deep breaths of fresh air

  8. You smile

  9. Oh yea…. and the fishing is should be fantastic!

Proper social distancing at Bridger Bowl on a bluebird day. Our snowpack is at 115%….. and it is snowing right now!

Proper social distancing at Bridger Bowl on a bluebird day. Our snowpack is at 115%….. and it is snowing right now!

Firehole River in June

Firehole River in June

Yep…… there is acceptable social distancing on the Yellowstone in the summer

Yep…… there is acceptable social distancing on the Yellowstone in the summer

Dogs don’t bring any baggage, illness, or deadlines………….. We like having them along!

Dogs don’t bring any baggage, illness, or deadlines………….. We like having them along!

Wide open spaces- yes!

Wide open spaces- yes!

Canyon walls, trees, and rocks create great structure

Canyon walls, trees, and rocks create great structure

The view from one of our private lakes…….. do you see anyone else?

The view from one of our private lakes…….. do you see anyone else?

Yellowstone River Outfitters
Yellowstone River Outfitters

Of course, we try to wash our hands as many times as possible!

Please stay safe, positive, and get outside! This too shall pass.

Tight Lines,

Yellowstone RIver Outfitters

Yellowstone River Outfitters
Brogan Ballard